Radical preacher blames 'Kevin Keegan effect' at trial

Mr Choudary told the jury he had "never moved on" like Kevin Keegan playing football for Liverpool.
2024-07-01 19:07:57

Russia blames US for Crimea deaths and vows response

Russia says US-made missiles programmed by American specialists were used in an attack which killed four.
2024-06-24 16:07:45

Czech PM blames failed arson attempt on Russia

Post Content
2024-06-10 21:08:59

Slovak PM blames shooting on opposition's 'hatred'

Robert Fico describes man who shot him as an "opposition activist" and blames "anti-government media".
2024-06-05 23:07:00

Conspiracy theorist blames Brazil floods on baseless 'magnetic shift' claim

Post Content
2024-05-16 21:08:15

Russia blames Ukraine after blast flattens 10-storey apartment block

At least 17 people have been hurt in Belgorod and there are reports of people trapped in the rubble.
2024-05-12 16:07:36

Estonian minister blames Russia for GPS interference over Baltic

Post Content
2024-05-02 15:10:05

Heineken chops down orchard to sell land

The UK's largest cider blames a drop in demand on its decision to uproot thousands of trees.
2024-04-27 15:08:24

Argentina court blames Iran for 1994 bombing of Jewish community

Post Content
2024-04-12 19:07:58

Putin pins attack on jihadists but still blames Kyiv

Ukraine rejects Moscow's accusation as European governments boost security because of jihadist threats.
2024-03-26 13:08:09

Zelensky hits back after Russia blames Ukraine for concert attack

Post Content
2024-03-24 15:09:25

Zelensky says Russia always blames others after Putin points finger

Post Content
2024-03-24 01:06:31

Drakeford blames drunks for missed A&E target

The outgoing first minister says "many people" in hospital are there because they have drunk too much.
2024-03-15 20:07:31

Head disgusted by state of food at his own school

Jason Ashley, who sent pictures of the meals in an apology letter to parents, blames caterers.
2024-03-13 13:09:46

Dublin riots: Immigrations complicated role in growing Ireland's far right

Ireland's police chief blames riots in Dublin on a "hooligan faction driven by far-right ideology".
2023-11-25 02:07:49

Yemen's Houthi rebels hijack cargo ship in Red Sea

The Iran-backed rebels say the vessel is Israeli - a claim denied by Israel which blames Iran.
2023-11-19 20:07:16

Netanyahu says Israel 'not successful' at minimising Gaza casualties but blames Hamas

Israel's PM says efforts to spare civilians "not successful", but says Hamas puts them in harm's way.
2023-11-17 14:08:57

Netanyahu says Israel 'not successful' at minimising casualties but blames Hamas

PM says Israel warns civilians to leave areas which it will target, but says Hamas "fires at the safe corridors".
2023-11-17 11:12:28

Post Content
2023-11-16 18:08:55

Daughter of doctor stuck in Gaza blames UK embassy

Post Content
2023-11-09 23:09:25

Governor calls Bolsonaro a 'psychopathic leader,' blames him for Covid deaths

The governor of Sao Paulo state has called Jair Bolsonaro a "psychopathic leader," in a sharp rebuke over the Brazilian President's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
2021-03-23 02:06:43

Cycling star Sam Bennett throws up during race; blames overeating on not wanting 'to run out of fuel'

On his website he describes himself as "probably the fastest man in professional cycling" and "hungry for more."
2021-03-29 12:06:05

Cycling star throws up and blames overeating

On his website he describes himself as "probably the fastest man in professional cycling" and "hungry for more."
2021-03-29 12:06:07

Iran vows revenge for 'Israeli' attack on Natanz nuclear site

Iran's foreign ministry blames Israel for Sunday's incident at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant.
2021-04-12 10:07:45

Iran blames Israel for sabotage at Natanz nuclear site

2021-04-12 10:07:45

Iran nuclear attack: Mystery surrounds nuclear sabotage at Natanz

Iran blames Israel, but was this a cyber attack or physical act of sabotage?
2021-04-12 18:06:11

Sofagate: EU chief Ursula von der Leyen blames sexism for Turkey chair snub

Ursula von der Leyen says a chair gaffe at a summit in Turkey only "happened because I am a woman".
2021-04-27 01:06:17

Lawyer blames 'Foxitis' for his US Capitol riot client's actions, as another defendant derails hearings with profane outbursts

Alleged US Capitol rioter Anthony Antonio was hooked on Fox News and developed "Foxitis," his lawyer said Thursday in a virtual hearing interrupted multiple times by another defendant's profane outbursts.
2021-05-07 04:05:40

China blames US for hyping fears of rocket reentry

? China's out-of-control rocket lands on Earth ? NASA criticizes China's handling of rocket re-entry as debris lands near Maldives
2021-05-10 13:05:41

Taiwan blames China for slowing down its access to Covid-19 vaccines. The reality is more complicated

As countries ravaged by the coronavirus rushed to vaccinate their populations earlier this year, there was little sense of urgency to get inoculated in Taiwan.
2021-05-22 03:05:41

Syrian blames Israel for mysterious attacks on oil tankers

2021-05-24 18:06:20

Study blames climate change for 37% of global heat deaths

2021-05-31 18:06:35

Elon Musk blames rising Tesla prices on raw material costs

Add Teslas to the list of items that are costing more money during the pandemic.
2021-06-01 17:05:41

Elon Musk blames rising Tesla prices on raw material costs

Add Teslas to the list of items that are costing more money during the pandemic.
2021-06-02 09:05:49

Eritrea blames US support for Tigray's leaders for the war

2021-06-08 08:13:59

Runner blames burrito for four-year ban

Shelby Houlihan says she has been banned for four years after testing positive for a prohibited substance - which she blames on a burrito.
2021-06-15 11:06:33

Myanmar village of Kin Ma burns down after clashes

The military blames "terrorists" for the incident but locals tell the BBC troops are to blame.
2021-06-16 23:06:16

Olympic hopes appear to dim for US runner Shelby Houlihan who blames pork burrito for a 4-year doping ban

US middle-distance runner Shelby Houlihan, who recently learned she has been banned from the sport of track and field for four years following a positive test for an anabolic steroid, appears less likely to take part in the US Olympic Trials.
2021-06-18 08:59:17

US blames China for hacks, opening new front in cyber offensive

The United States and its foreign allies plan Monday to accuse China of overseeing widespread attempts to extort money in cyberspace, including through ransomware attacks, a dramatic escalation in the increasingly urgent attempt by the Biden administration to stave off further breaches.
2021-07-19 14:05:41

Pamela Brown calls out Sarah Sanders' delayed support of vaccines

CNN's Pamela Brown looks at former Trump White House press secretary Sarah Sanders' delayed support of the coronavirus vaccines even as Sanders blames President Biden, Democrats and Dr. Fauci, among others, for vaccine hesitancy.
2021-07-26 06:05:41

Kölcsönös vádaskodásba fulladt a kínai-amerikai találkozó

Hiába a közeledési kísérlet, úgy tűnik, hétfőn ismét holtpontra jutottak a kínai-amerikai kapcsolatok, miután Wendy Sherman amerikai külügyminiszter kínai külügyi vezetőkkel folytatott személyes megbeszéléseket. Az egyeztetésekre az Észak-kínai Tiencsin városban került sor ? írta meg többek között az NBC News. ?Az Egyesült Államok és Kína kapcsolatai stagnálnak és komoly nehézségekkel küzdenek? ? idézte Hszie Feng kínai külügyminiszter-helyettest a kínai állami televízió. A kínai külügy helyettes vezetője egyebek mellett azt mondta: Az Egyesült Államok úgy akarja újjáteremteni nemzeti öntudat...
2021-07-26 18:06:04

Hospital blames surge on nurse shortage

2021-08-04 20:05:52

Lithuania blames Belarus for migrant crisis

Over 4,000 people are reported to have crossed in Lithuania in recent months.
2021-08-10 17:06:18

Pakistan's foreign minister blames Afghanistan and India for suicide attack on Chinese workers

Pakistan's foreign minister has accused India and Afghanistan of backing a suicide bombing which killed nine Chinese workers on July 14, and called for the remaining perpetrators to be handed over to Islamabad for trial.
2021-08-13 06:05:45

Biden calls service members killed in terror attack 'heroes'

? GOP blames Biden moments after blasts
2021-08-27 00:05:42

Paris attacks trial: Abdeslam blames France for bombing IS

Salah Abdeslam shocks his trial, describing the bomb and gun attacks as "nothing personal".
2021-09-15 19:06:25

Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes 11 French stores

Brexit has made it "near impossible" for it to supply fresh and chilled products to France, the retailer says.
2021-09-16 12:06:38

Marks & Spencer blames Brexit for store closures in France

2021-09-16 14:06:25

Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes stores in France

Marks & Spencer is closing 11 of its stores in France because of supply chain problems related to Brexit.
2021-09-16 15:05:50

Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes stores in France

Marks & Spencer is closing 11 of its stores in France because of supply chain problems related to Brexit.
2021-09-16 18:05:46

British Airways blames pilots as it ditches plans for new low-cost airline

British Airways has abandoned plans to launch a low-cost carrier at London's second biggest airport, Gatwick, blaming pilots for its decision to scrap the new initiative.
2021-09-23 18:06:15

British Airways blames pilots as it ditches plans for new low-cost airline

British Airways has abandoned plans to launch a low-cost carrier at London's second biggest airport, Gatwick, blaming pilots for its decision to scrap the new initiative.
2021-09-24 13:05:47

Solskjaer blames Klopp for lack of penalties

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer believes his side are not getting penalties following comments by Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp.
2021-09-24 16:06:44

Fuel pumps run dry in UK as govt blames panic buying

2021-09-27 14:06:42

UK blames 'heavy-handed' EU for Brexit deal problems

2021-10-04 12:06:43

Twitch blames server error for massive data leak

The livestreaming site says a mistake exposed its data to a malicious third party on the internet.
2021-10-07 14:06:34


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